This section contains articles and information to help parents support your children at school, or inform you about recent developments in education. There are articles about technology, reading, maths and more! Keep reading...
No longer think you need to read to your child ... because they are good readers? Think again - it is still important!
Love this article from Herald Sun Sunday 5 February. It highlights many things that teachers do that go beyond the 9 - 5 part of the job. Love the last line!
Children are increasingly being diagnosed with dyslexia. There are several myths about dyslexia nad what it means to have the condition. This brief article addresses some of those mths.
This paper is about international research into how schools address "poor" behaviour. At Warranwood we are very proud of our students' outstanding behaviour and the strategies we use! Validation!!
When is the right time to start your child at school? SHOULD I DELAY SCHOOL ENTRY?
What sort of parent are you? Do you fit one of these styles? From tiger to free-range parents!
The increased access to technology and wifi creates challenges for parents who want to monitor and control their children's online activity and create a healthy balance of activities. This article outlines the impact of screen time on sleep in children. WIRED AND TIRED
FIVE REASONS to read aloud to your kids - and pick their favourite book!
Bringing maths into bedtime stories can help children learn. Bedtime stories are a great way of supporting your child's reading and maths, is great 'bonding' timeand it provides relaxation time for every one! BEDTIME STORIES
Coding, or computer programming is being introduced to the curriculum of countries around the world. What is it all about? CODING
Screen time before bed can reduce the quantity and quality of sleep in children and adolescents. Interesting new ARTICLE.
Love this article! Knowing "stuff" is fine, but what our kids really need is 21st century thinking skills. The last line is a killer!! TEACHING HOW TO THINK IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS TEACHING ANYTHING ELSE.
Learning times tables is important. This article offers suggestions for how to get kids to remember them! HERE'S HOW TO GET KIDS TO REMEMBER TIMES TABLES.
This article very clearly sets out how dads are critical to the development of their son's reading ability. DADS - YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO YOUR SON'S READING DEVELOPMENT!
The way schools teach reading has been debated for many years, and is a regular cause for media attacks on schools. This article supports the multi-layered approach we use at Warranwood. A BALANCED APPROACH IS BEST FOR TEACHING KIDS TO READ
Another article on reading - education conversation, academically and on the ground in schools, very frequently focuses on this topic. Here is another that explains how children learn to read. LEARNING TO READ
Thinking of taking a holiday mid-term? This article from the Herald Sun quotes recent research that suggests it may not be a good idea! BREAKS DURING TERM SET CHILDREN A BAD EXAMPLE