About Our School



Warranwood PS was built in 1996. The permanent classrooms are modern architecturally designed open spaces. The rooms also have separate wet areas and computer rooms. The Senior School Learning Centre building was completed in July 2011 as part of the Federal Government economic stiumuls package. This building provides a wonderful environment for collaborative and independent learning.  


The school has a spacious fully equipped art room for the students to produce wonderfully creative pieces.


The school provides a huge double classroom space for Performing Arts. This allows for dramatic movement, large instruments such as marimbas and a practice space for concerts. Every child performs in public every year, with Prep and Junior School classes performing at school and the Middle and Senior School classes performing either at a local theatre, or most recently in their own movie at Reading Cinemas.


This room recreates a Japanese environment. Students sit on cushions around low round tables. All students from Prep - Year 6 learn Japanese .


The school has a gymnasium that provides an area for indoor PE sessions as well as sports such as basketball and volleyball. The gymnasium also provides a venue for Monday morning assemblies, guest speakers and community functions.


Our synthetic turf sports field is a fantastic addition to our facilities, with all-weather capability in a number of sport areas.


The school boasts a wonderful library space with a huge variety of books and magazines. The library also plays host to staff meetings and parent information nights. The library has a fully automated catalogue. It is a large, well stocked learning resource. Children can borrow books for certain periods of time. Each child recieves a weekly tuition in library usage, research skills and literature.


The school has developed a wetland area that is home to 5 different species if frogs. The area has a permanent pond section with a ponding platform large enough for a whole grade to investigate the water. The area also has hundreds of plants that attract butterflies and bird life.



Our canteen supports a healthy food policy and provides all students with the opportunity to order lunch each day and purchase over the counter at lunchtimes. The canteen is run by two canteen managers who are assisted each day by parent volunteers.

Click to access the Price List.
2022/23 Canteen menu
WPS Canteen policy



As part of our school policy all students are required to wear the school uniform. A newly designed school uniform was introduced in 2014, with full implementation required at the beginning of 2016. The school colours are navy, royal blue and gold. Our school uniform is availabe from PSW at 8a/51 Lusher Road, Croydon.


School Uniform Policy 



Their Care runs the Before School Care and After School Care program at Warranwood PS from Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.00am-8.45am and 3.30pm – 6.30pm. On the last day of term the After School Care hours are 2.30pm – 6.00pm, and on the last day of the school year from 1.30pm – 5.30pm. Please see the Notices section for more information about this program.