Prep students are usually taught in a team teaching environment; each class is housed in a large modern double classroom consisting of a small sensory space, separate bag room and wet area.
We believe that Prep is one of the most important years of a child’s schooling as we set the foundations on which the rest of your child’s education is built on. If a child leaves Prep:
... then we believe that they are well on the road to becoming successful learners.
Our aim is to ensure all Preps achieve these goals by providing a well-rounded program catering for the total child:
Student Wellbeing/Buddy Program
At Warranwood Primary School we are very proud of our Buddy Program and the positive relationships it creates between our newest students to the school and our senior students at the school.
During Term 1 every Prep student will be partnered with a Grade 5 Buddy and throughout the year they will partake in lots of different fun activities together.
Excursions and Special Visitors
At Warranwood we love involving our Preps in a range of different learning experiences. Excursions and Incursions make up an important part of a child’s learning and these experiences help to promote independence and resilience with the students being away from their usual learning space in the classroom. All Preps will also be given the opportunity to join in our intensive swimming program and have a party to celebrate the milestone of being at school for 100 days - which is also a part of Warranwood Primary School’s camping program.