Senior School


Our Senior School consists of 4 Year 5/6 classes. Teachers work closely together to plan a stimulating and exciting activities based on the Victorian Curriculum. We run a differentiated learning approach catering for individual needs. Our modern building allows for interactive team teaching offering rich learning experiences for our students. Our iPad program is integral to our teaching giving the students opportunity to develop global citizenship skills for the future.



Many of our units of work centre on a Problem Based Learning approach. This is where students learn about a subject through the experience of creating a problem and then finding ways to resolve it. During this research the teacher acts as a facilitator for the students learning: by supporting, guiding, and monitoring the learning process through conferencing and assessment. Some of our units of study based on the Victrorian Curriculum include leadership, wellbeing, science, Australia as a democratic nation, history and the environment.



Every Year 6 student has the opportunity to apply for a range of leadership positions in our school. Currently we have 4 School Captains and 16 House Captains. Our Year 5 students can also apply for school wide positions such as Peer Mediation (Welfare) team, Greenology (Sustainability) team and the Student Representative Council (represent the school with student lead fundraising events) team. Each year we provide our School and House Captains with the opportunity to attend a ‘Young Leaders Day’ in the city where they listen to popular and well-known respected adult and youth leaders. Our leaders conduct a series of community visits with the local Kurburoo Kindergarten where students plan, prepare and run activities with the pre-school buddies. These buddies visit the leaders at Warranwood later in the year.


Senior School Camp:

Our Senior School camp is based on a two-year cycle. One of our experiences is in Canberra where we kick-start our unit of study on Government and what it means for Australia to be a democracy. On alternative years students attend Camp Rumbug, which is near Foster in Gippsland. Students take part in outdoor adventure activities such as canoeing, archery, flying fox, ropes course, giant swing and night hike. The camps are a wonderful opportunity for relationship building and new friendships to be made.


Personal Development:

Cyber Safety is a key feature of our student’s personal development. We have explicit teaching sessions based on:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
  • What is cyber bullying and what someone can do if they are seeing it occurring.
  • What is a digital footprint?
  • Online netiquette.
  • Digital citizenship

Teachers also lead iPad online safety discussions consistently throughout the year with our students on how to develop ongoing cyber safe practices.


Senior School run a series of drug education and sexuality education sessions for our students by giving them up to date education department approved information on key topics of sexuality, health, social skills, relationships and positive body image.