Student Wellbeing

We believe that to make Warranwood Primary School a better place in which to work and play is the responsibility of teachers, parents, children and the general school community. We all want it to be a place where people can feel secure and be successful.


A Welfare Committee was formed with the purpose of providing a happy, safe, supportive environment, which meets the needs of individual children throughout their primary school experience. It works towards forming a partnership between children, teachers and parents based on mutual respect. It clearly defines commonly agreed rules which protect our rights and remind us of our responsibilities.


In 2015 we introduced RUIn, which supports the 3 core school values of Respect, Understanding and Integrity. 


Our commitment to the emotional wellbeing of our students includes the employment of a Student Welfare Officer. The SWO provides individual counselling and support for students and conducts preventative programs based on resilience, self-esteem and more.


The school implements a variety of structures and programs to promote student wellbeing such as:

  • A Whole School Approach to Welfare
  • Ongoing Professional Development for teachers
  • Ongoing commitment to School Policy
  • Development of Whole School approach to behaviour management both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Classroom Support Programs through outside agencies
  • Parenting Programs organised through outside agencies
  • Monitoring of external facilities and playground equipment
  • Sunsmart Policy and Program
  • Social Skills Program at each level of the school
  • Recognition of Excellence e.g.RUIn Citizenship Awards, Principal Awards, Personal Achievement Awards.
  • Peer Mediation
  • Buddy System operating between Years 5/6 and Preps
  • Cross Age Tutoring – Year 4 with Year 2 and Year 3 with Year 1
  • Student Representative Council (Junior Prep -2) (Senior 3-6)
  • Leadership Program for Senior School (Years 5/6)
  • House Captains running activities outside at lunchtime.


Parenting Ideas is a valuable site, offering parenting ideas from well known psychologist and parenting expert Michael Grose. 


A Parents Guide to Gaming is a valuable resource for parents of children of all ages.