Performing Arts here at Warranwood Primary School is a Prep to Six program that includes the Arts disciplines of Drama, Dance, Music and Media.
All levels of the school have a major performance each year.
These performances include: Prep – Throughout the year the prep students act in short films they create from Picture story books and have a School based mini –production at the End of Year held in the WPS Performing Arts Room. Junior School – A full length Green Screen movie screened at Reading Cinemas Middle School – A live theatre show performed at The Mahon Theatre, Aquinas College Senior School – The students follow a two year cycle! Year one, the students perform in a full level production at The Mahon Theatre, Aquinas College. In the alternate year, the students have the opportunity to participate in a National dance story competition called Wakakirri and to create short films for the Senior school Film Festival!
In addition to all of these annual performances, students also perform to each other regularly in class as they share their group work.
Our program is unique with the opportunity for our Senior school students to create computer generated original songs using Garage Band on their iPads and green screen movies filmed on their iPads and edited using iMovie.
We have an extensive wardrobe of costumes due to our Costume Mistress and we have Performing Arts Captains, Production Captains and a Production Team of Grade Six students. These Captains and the Team assist throughout the year at all shows in all levels of the school and maintain our Costume wardrobe.
Our Performing Arts teacher, Jacinta O’Leary, is a qualified Generalist Primary School teacher and a Qualified Drama and Dance teacher and has a back ground in the Performing Arts industry. Mrs O’Leary has a passion and enthusiasm for this area of the curriculum and loves every minute with the students.